Bideford & District Chamber of Commerce

What we do

Our focus is the ongoing commercial success of Bideford Town Centre and the wider Bideford Bay area. Every 12 - 15 months the Executive review our 5 year strategic plan to evaluate how we are performing. We want the strategy to evolve; it needs to reflect both the economic climate and local priorities.
You can download the complete strategy document "Strategic Plan for Bideford Town Centre & Bideford Bay 2013 - 2018" here.

For those who may just want a quick glance at our objectives, we have summarised these below:

Summary of strategic intent

Bideford Bay will position itself as a unique and individual place to visit for both residents and visitors alike. We seek to capitalise on our individuality in order to:
  1. Increase footfall from residents and visitors into town on a year round basis
  2. Increase the number of visitors into Bideford Bay during the holiday season
  3. Maintain and increase spend where possible within the geographic area
  4. Attract inward investment in order to provide jobs and boost the local economy
  5. Make Bideford a more pleasurable place to visit and live
  6. Seek to innovate, be aware of new opportunities and be constantly aware of new sources of income and align the strategy to these where appropriate
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